Mercier Therapy
Mercier Therapy offers Fascial and Gynovisceral
Corrections – ADDED into Heather’s Gentling Way
Mercier Therapy is a deep pelvic organ visceral manipulation modality. When increasing mobility whether your shoulder joint or your uterus you’re optimizing the true function of the area and helping to return blood flow which is therapeutic. Adding in my decades of working with Qi and body aligning, as also a naturopath and an energy worker, you get the best of all worlds.
After returning home to my Brisbane clinic in late 2016 from being with Dr Mercier attending the 3 day training, I trialed her moves on everyone I had previously worked intensively using the Arvigo moves (from mid 2014) and my own Moving Blockages (from 1979) style
What I found astonished me! All now was simple. So easy to FIX anything – working in all layers at once. Gently.
Respectfully, gently and intensively.
Your being/body has taken often decades to get to where it is ‘all gummed up’.
Let this work gently unwind congestion, constrictions and life residues so that you leave free again
How can I help you?
As a natural health detective and body worker and mother, a sage femme (wise woman) and advocate of self sovereignty, I know that anything is possible. First – we clear what is blocking YOUR body from healing itself. Whether you are looking for babies, and/or structural freedom, and/or adhesion release, and/or gyne or prostate healing, returning your circulation back to as designed is the first step.
What would you be looking for?
Structural, fascial and visceral – so your body is easy to live in again.
Mercier moves in addition to my Gentling Way work are stunning at undoing what has happened to have you desperate for healing
PLUS my online self help courses that you get to use on yourself and on each other.
When you are at your wit’s end – and no one has answers . .and you are at the end of the road in anything ‘out there’ – desperate – it is likely it is very easy to undo – start with Structure Determines Function
Structure Determines Function

Your organs and tissues are designed to be in perfect alignment. They must slide and glide over each other. When adhesions tangle them together – you feel STUCK and the resultant blockages, though not picked up in testing – create a life of increasing congestion/pain/dysfunction.
The free flow of all Qi, blood – arterial and venous, lymph and nerve messages must circulate easily.
When they do not – you have not only discomfort and pain – but ‘hormones’ seem to have forgotten how to work -and life gets ever more complicated as what you have done to you – still does not magic all your trials away. .

Liver organ has adhesions gluing it to the surrounding surfaces
Over time we end up hunched over – not comfy.
Not only the external scars mark the knife’s trajectory.
The often life-saving surgery may leave inner residue.
Gum you up . .

Adhesions are bands of scar tissue that form inside the body. Infection, inflammation, trauma, even radiation therapy may also create these inner strengthening – like glue. They are from connective tissue that is grown to hold bits within you – ever tighter. Usually is the cause of pain and discomfort, adhesions can cause fascia then internal organs to become fused together which, can as well as constriction of flows and suppleness result in a myriad of symptoms from agonizing pain through to: nausea/ vomiting, stomach pain, back pain, constipation & bowel obstructions, migraines.More surgery (and possibly cauterisation) to undo this will result in more, not fewer adhesions. Shall we loosen it all – so you feel supple again?
2 – Post-Operative Repair: C SECTION/other surgeries
You may be one of the many of us who have had baby plucked out
Or some other surgical incursion into past structural integrity

Often the joys of the miracle of love are overshadowed by worries and fears of outcomes being less than expected/ perfect.
Healing takes so many forms.
Do you have tingling, itching, numbness, and /or can’t stand to touch the scar?
Even look at it? Unresolved blockages can create underlying issues that may be impacting on all of your life,. So many find themselves in a situation of birthing as they had not intended. Whether ‘elective’ or emergency – you will have at least physical work to fully clear the impact of this on your body and life.
Adhesions and inner scarring may make future baby making and even living in your body difficult. Maybe not sure about making more children. Shall we work on returning your body back to aligned and perfect?
I see couples – unless preparing for single motherhood

Sex makes babies
It takes two to make, to love and to support and to raise a new being.
Nature expects perfect. Shall we return there before forcing her hand? Baby insurance – the best possible outcomes from the best possible.beginnings – perfectly healthy parents-to-be.
HIS contribution is half the battle – and often more like 90% of it
Been told that you ‘need’ donor eggs/sperm/embryos?
Shall we get the flows flowing again? BOTH BODIES
Restore normal – see what nature then has in store.
NO man is fertile enough now. (or you would be pregnant and not investigating options)
To assist the body to prepare itself for easy pregnancy – first we start with being Baby Ready – BOTH parents to be.

1 – HIM – he has to be made fertile – as he is usually the missing link in often decades of ‘trying’ to get pregnant. And given a pass out all the while. – I have extensive work that you can take away and apply at home n this – and it all works – make him healthy and sperm automatically are stunning again. Men to enable their gut and body to heal so sperm is made to be dangerous – as great grandfather was – sperm is to made babies – every time.
2 – HER – Past gyne and/or obstetric surgeries – may have left your body unable to work as designed. This includes all minor laproscopies – often leading into adenomyosis and also all C sections and other abdominal surgeries.
3 – THEM – make loving fun again . . . every time.
By playing with each other with my online courses, you CAN love your life better!
In these times the intensive bundles of care offered are the only way I see the task being completed.
You in a receptive mode, taking the timeout of your lives
Come to me in Far North Queensland. Spend time with each other exploring the beauties of your fertile future being made.
I offer a practical package where you are looked after – six sessions in a week. .
3 hours each – this IS intensive – as we undo all that has happened in your life.
Intensive as we delve deeply no why babies are not easily made – YET.
The sessions are extended as my past decades of working with ‘hard’ cases – that is the most likely to get you out of STUCK
and I offer also an online version.
Energy (Qi) and vibrational inclusions to make this an enjoyable uncovering of your clearer inner self.
Very different to standard Mercier as I do not use the inflammatory enzymes – I clear with you why you may need them.
Also – with less need or bio identical hormones as I clear why hey are even needed. Holistic care – less medicalisation.
Experience a holistic journey back to health.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this only for women?
No – and not only for fertility.
Men alone (persistent pelvic pain and severe prostate challenges)
Couples – the shared journey
Women gyne and obstetric incidents and surgeries- present or long ago
Anyone – I have enlarged this body of work to include all structural distress – scarring and adhesions.
The repositioning of the womb (whether she is gone, or this is man’s body – he has /had a prostate).
This means that often apparently hopeless problems often disappear naturally.
Why is it an intensive programme?
This is the way that I have found gets results. Not a bit here and there and being hopeful . . MAKE it happen
Are we a good fit?
What will I receive?
6 sessions of at least 3 hours.
Take home kit of helpers
Online courses to assist your own healing of yourselves
What is the cost?
If you do not do something different – and commit to it?
More of the same. . .
When you change the flows in your body – what happens next may surprise you. Much like a dammed up river, now running free. I offer solutions that are natural, safe and likely to positively impact remarkably on your health and well being. When you change what you are doing, it is likely that your body will respond by moving towards healing, and optimal functioning. (I only see couples as over the decades it has usually been HIM that is holding babies back .In these times – EVERY case has a male issue – this is for men also).

Responsibility – yours to live your best life.
Intention – Yours to ensure you look after yourself the way your body needs.
Commitment – yours to enjoy every breath and to be all you were to be here.
Expectation – (mine) that you will do the very best you can to run your own race.
I do not assume any risk whatsoever for your use of this website or the information or products contained herein. Use of this web site does not create an expressed or implied physician-patient relationship.
DISCLAIMER: (and crone warning) If you have availed yourself to the recent experimental gene modification therapy I cannot see you.
That jab was not a health enhancing process. Anything could be going on in your body. That injection was NOT designed with human sustainability in mind. As I am the mother of a massively vaxx damaged adult daughter: profoundly autistic as a result, I will not play with nature the way the medical profession seems to think is reasonable. I know that it is not.
I aim to make better lives for all – including the new one that you may wish to encounter.
I am offering this information as an education resource. In these times, when nature has been set aside, and assumed function with extras floating within – the results I was seeing since the late 70’s may not be possible, We all do our best to reestablish the template.
It is my intention that you always follow nature, exercising ‘common sense’. Life is for living – thriving.
Want a result that you can live a new life with?
Best to invest in seeing me up in FNQ. Winter is a great time to have a tropical adventure – incorporating your new life as part of the deal.
I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own inner knowing and guidance. Does it FEEL right?
This site contains information regarding herbs, homeopathics, nutritional and biological supplements, herbs and other products, services and therapies to enhance health and well being. Life based, and holistic – for general health information only.

Mercier plus Arvigo/Maya plus holistic body/soul mechanic
Acupuncture consultant
Founder of Heather’s Gentling Way
Clinic – Tumoulin Far North QLD Australia
Contact +61 452 407 667
There are many courses I have designed for you to follow at home, so you both get specific moves.
And a deeper understanding of how a well body works.
This site contains information regarding herbs, homeopathics, nutritional and biological supplements, herbs and other products, services and therapies to enhance health and well being. NOT MEDICAL – Life based, and holistic – for general health information only.