About Heather

As a new mum, I was attracted to acupuncture in the late 70’s.
Always being an independent thinker, I strove to be the best I could be for all who came to see me.
People by then were usually at the end of the medical route, with ‘Hopeless’ as their label.

Adding in ever more skills there came lymphatic and soft tissue moves, much body work and touch therapy, naturopathy, herbalism (Western and Chinese), Reiki, vibrational ways, meditation practices,  the Maya system of healing, and eventually I came to Mercier Therapy.

Working within intuitive body mechanics, the added moves in the Mercier toolbox after my own professional and personal path of Moving Blockages, has added a new depth to the functional and structural possibilities I can now offer. I have combined all I found worked into a graceful, elegant process – The Gentling Way